Conference section on Mathematical Methods for Research Excellence

International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia is our annual tradition – in the month of January, we focus on the latest developments in mathematical modelling topics at the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry of the University of Latvia and at the Institute of Numerical Modelling. We welcome all that are interested in the progress made in our research area – the application of mathematical modelling methods in the sciences and engineering to join us in the section of Mathematical Methods for Research Excellence of the 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia at 13.00 on the 28th of January 2022.
The conference will be held in Latvian and is open to the employees and students of the University of Latvia as well as to other interested parties without prior registration. To join the live event, click on the following Zoom link:
(Meeting ID: 916 9561 1544 Passcode: 861330)
The conference will be opened by the invited speaker Dr Jānis Priede with a presentation on numerical modelling of 2D turbulence using GPUs. The meeting will cover a wide range of research topics, from advances in semiconductor technology and multiphysics to environmental process modelling, computer science, etc., with a total of 9 presentations.
We particularly welcome your questions to the speakers. We would be delighted if we could stimulate discussion on the hitherto unexplored, the vision for the success of the scientific process and further resonance for the success of the scientific and economic processes in 2022 and beyond.
A video of the section meeting a year ago in January 2021 is available below