New publication in Physical Review Fluids

We congratulate the researchers Mihails Birjukovs, Valters Dzelme and Andris Jakovičs from the Institute of Numerical Modelling! In collaboration with researchers Knud Thomsen and Pavel Trtik from Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland) an article Phase boundary dynamics of bubble flow in a thick liquid metal layer under an applied magnetic field was written. It was published in the high-impact factor journal Physical Review Fluids on the 18th of June 2020.

Argon bubble flow in liquid gallium with and without applied horizontal magnetic field was investigated. The successful capture and quantification of the effects of the applied magnetic field were demonstrated using dynamic neutron radiography and the previously developed, validated robust image processing pipeline. It was supported by a numerical model of the experiment. The results of the research clearly show the potential of expanding the range of gas/liquid metal systems that can be studied using downscaled but representative experimental setups.

Many metallurgical processes, such as melt stirring, purification and others, involve gas flow. This research does not only show that gas/liquid metal systems can be described using downscaled experimental systems but also describes the influence of applied magnetic field on bubble flow in liquid gallium. This gives a better understanding of the physical processes involved, as well as ensures more optimisation possibilities for these metallurgical processes in the future.

Physical Review Fluids is a Q1 level journal which means it is one of the 25% most influential journals in the specific field.

A full article can be found here: