Riga City Council’s visit
Photos from Riga City Council's visit to the UL Academic Centre.…

Photos of the ENMVK exhibition opening
To celebrate the 50 year anniversary of the Department…

Invitation to an exhibition opening to celebrate the 50 year anniversary of ENVMK
We invite you to an exhibition opening on the 7th of October…

Seminar on getting involved in the establishment of the National HPC centre
On the 1st of September 2020, the project EuroCC has begun,…

The Institute of Numerical Modelling continues working in a project to diminish the impact of COVID-19
Pauls Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital's (PSCUH) Scientific…

Baltic CERN group makes Folding@Home contributors Top 500
CERN Baltic group has taken part in a global initiative to fight…

An international center for high-performance computing will be established by scientists from the University of Latvia
In collaboration with researchers from Riga Technical University…

Our researchers are conducting neutron radiography experiments at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland
Researcher Mihails Birjukovs from the Institute of Numerical…

Diminishing the impact of COVID-19
In a call for proposals on diminishing the impact of COVID-19…

Preparing for nearly zero-energy building requirements
Did you know that starting in January 2021 there are going to…