INM researchers at a conference in Paris
Researchers from the INM Semiconductor Technology Laboratory participated in the conference “Seventh European Conference on Crystal Growth” in Paris from July 24 to 27.
Andrejs Sabanskis presented research on dislocation modeling in germanium crystals. Using self-developed software, more than a hundred calculations were performed to describe the effect of various process parameters on the dislocation density distribution.
Maksims Surovovs presented the results of open melting front modeling for the floating zone crystal growth process. The new model is significantly more accurate than the previously used one, and the melting front can now be calculated with an accuracy of 0.1 mm.
Kirils Surovovs participated in the conference with a poster on impurity transfer modeling in a floating zone system. The algorithm developed in the research allows for a more accurate description of the distribution of impurities (boron, phosphorus, carbon) in the grown crystals. Kirils received the Young Scientist Award for his research.