Entries by Mihaēls Doroņins

Invitation to an exhibition opening to celebrate the 50 year anniversary of ENVMK

We invite you to an exhibition opening on the 7th of October at 15:00 at the House of Sciences (2nd floor) to celebrate the 50 year anniversary of Department of Electrodynamics and Continuum Mechanics (ENVMK) Department of Electrodynamics and Continuum Mechanics (in Latvian – Elektrodinamikas un Nepārtrauktas Vides Mehānikas Katedra or ENVMK) was established in […]

Seminar on getting involved in the establishment of the National HPC centre

On the 1st of September 2020, the project EuroCC has begun, its aim is to establish national high-performance computing (HPC) centres in 33 countries all over Europe. The main task of the National Competence HPC centres is to advance the use of high-performance computing in research, education, in the public sector and the industry. The […]

The Institute of Numerical Modelling continues working in a project to diminish the impact of COVID-19

Pauls Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital’s (PSCUH) Scientific Institute in collaboration with the Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre and the University of Latvia are successfully following through with the objectives of project New Technologies for Targeted Tracing, Testing and Treatment of COVID-19 Patients (3-T project) (Nr. VPP-COVID-2020/1-0025). On the 30th of September, a scientific meeting […]

Baltic CERN group makes Folding@Home contributors Top 500

CERN Baltic group has taken part in a global initiative to fight Covid-19 and has donated some of its computing resources to Folding@Home. In September 2020 CERN Baltic group has made the Top 500 contributor list in terms of computing resources donated. CERN Baltic group has combined the computing resource donations from several institutions – […]

An international center for high-performance computing will be established by scientists from the University of Latvia

In collaboration with researchers from Riga Technical University HPC Center (HPC – High-Performance Computing), scientists from the Institute of Numerical Modelling (University of Latvia) have begun working for a new EU project. The mission of the project is to develop, extend and maintain a network of high-performance computing competence centers in Europe. With funding from […]

Diminishing the impact of COVID-19

In a call for proposals on diminishing the impact of COVID-19 a project New Technologies for Targeted Tracing, Testing and Treatment of COVID-19 Patients (3-T project) (Nr. VPP-COVID-2020/1-0025) was selected. This project is executed by researchers from the Institute of Numerical Modelling, University of Latvia, Pauls Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital scientific institute and Latvian Biomedical […]

Preparing for nearly zero-energy building requirements

Did you know that starting in January 2021 there are going to be new requirements regarding energy performance for all new buildings? What are these nearly zero-energy buildings? According to the definition given in directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 a nearly zero-energy building is one that […]

New publication in Physical Review Fluids

We congratulate the researchers Mihails Birjukovs, Valters Dzelme and Andris Jakovičs from the Institute of Numerical Modelling! In collaboration with researchers Knud Thomsen and Pavel Trtik from Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland) an article Phase boundary dynamics of bubble flow in a thick liquid metal layer under an applied magnetic field was written. It was published […]

Successful participation at the exhibition House I

The employees of the Institute of Numerical Modelling have successfully participated in one of the largest building industry exhibitions House I. It began on the 12th of March and was expected to last for 3 days. Due to the state of emergency in Latvia, it was postponed and continued on June 13 and 14. At […]